HTML <area> Tag
<img src ="/images/examples/australia-nz-map.gif" width="200" height="142" alt="Map of Australia and New Zealand" usemap ="#aus-nz">
<map name="aus-nz">
<area shape ="poly" coords ="3,47,45,12,105,7,140,60,120,125,12,90" href ="" target="_blank" alt="Australia">
<area shape ="poly" coords ="180,85,200,98,167,142,157,138" href ="" target="_blank" alt="New Zealand">
How to Use the above Code
- Replace the image details with your own (i.e. replace the values of all attributes with those of your image and image map).
- Replace the image map details (i.e. replace the values of all attributes with those of your image map).
You can use the following shapes with image maps:
- default
- rect
- circle
- poly
Coordinates can be specified in the following ways:
- rect: left, top, right, bottom
- circle: center-x, center-y, radius
- poly: x1, y1, x2, y2, ...
It might take a while to get the coordinates right (i.e. the coords
attribute) but persistence is key.
How Image Maps Work
The <area>
element represents the "clickable" area in an image map.
To create an image map, you need the following elements:
To create an image map, you need to place any <area>
tags inside a <map>
Now, any image that needs to use that image map can do so using the usemap
attribute (its value being that of the image map to use).