HTML <area> Tag with the 'download' Attribute
<img src ="/images/examples/australia-nz-map.gif" width="200" height="142" alt="Map of Australia and New Zealand" usemap ="#aus-nz">
<map name="aus-nz">
<area shape="poly" coords="3,47,45,12,105,7,140,60,120,125,12,90" href="/images/examples/byron_bay_australia.jpg" alt="Australia" download>
<area shape="poly" coords="180,85,200,98,167,142,157,138" href="/images/examples/milford_sound_nz.jpg" alt="New Zealand" download>
The above example demonstrates the download
attribute of the <area>
The download
attribute can be added to indicate that the resource should be downloaded (instead of navigated to). You can (optionally) specify a default file name by providing a value. This attribute is optional.
[Default file name.] (optional)